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Hamilton Public Library

Pick up your reading log today!

Read all summer long and earn prizes!


May 25, 2018 (US/Central / UTC-500)

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Books can be read by your child or to your child.

Books can be recorded by title or time spent reading, 2 hours is equal to 5 books.

For every 5 books read, children will receive a ticket for a chance to win BIG Prizes!

For every 10 books read, children will receive a prize from the treasure chest!

For every 20 books read, children will receive a drink or food coupon from local retailers!

A Grand Prize Winner will be awarded to the student (entering 1st-8th grade) who accumulates the highest number of AR points during the Summer of 2018.

Also, kids will receive a ticket for each day they attend a library program, such as “STEAM”y Fridays, Robotics Camp, Summer Reading Program, or Story Time.